more education, less religion

Delighted to hear recently that, overall, teenage pregnancies have fallen to a virtual all-time low in Australia [they've been steady at that low rate for a few years now] though there are still problems in the top end and in rural areas.
This is an impressive result considering that the stigma attached to teenage pregnancy is surely much less than it used to be. Leaving aside planned pregnancies, it would seem that teenage pregancy is largely a result of ignorance and/or carelessness. Not that I want to sound callous about it, for it's often the most traumatic event in a young person's life, and it can often lead to retreat from the kind of assistance that's generally readily available these days.
The good thing is that the reduced numbers are another stab to the heart of the death cults with their anti-contraception and anti-sex prejudices. These cults are being increasingly rejected in our society, which is growing more healthy as a result.
Labels: just stuff, the faith hope
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